An endoscope is thin, long, specialised camera which is used to look deep into the gastrointestinal tract by way of the mouth or anus. Scopes can be used to diagnose abnormalities and to perform small procedures.
Gastroscopy is when the scope is inserted into the mouth and down the oesophagus (food pipe), into the stomach and the first part of the small intestine (duodenum). This will allow Dr. Hannington to diagnose swallowing difficulties, persistent stomach pain, stomach ulcers or inflammation or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). If needed he can perform simple procedures, such as taking a biopsy, stopping the bleeding from an ulcer and removing polyps. This procedure requires no preparation other than not eating for at least 6 hours before. It is done as a day case procedure under sedation with an anaesthetist present.
A colonoscope is inserted into the anus, up the rectum through the large intestine (colon) with the aim of entering the end of the small intestine (terminal ileum). This will allow Dr. Hannington to investigate the cause for abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and chronic constipation. It is also indicated to screen for growths (polyps), inflammation and tumours in the colon and rectum. If needed he can perform simple procedures, such as taking a biopsy, and removing polyps or abnormal growths. This procedure requires bowel preparation in the form of a laxative to be taken the day before in order for the colon to be visualized adequately. It is done as a day case procedure under sedation with an anaesthetist present.
Endoscopic Weight Loss Procedures
Gastric Balloon
This procedure involves a gastroscopy and placement of a silicone balloon which is filled with saline under direct vision. This gives the feeling of a full stomach which promotes a decrease in food intake. It is left in the stomach for 6-12 months and is easily extracted with a repeat gastroscopy. This is done as a day case procedure under sedation with an anaesthetist present.
Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)
This procedure is a new cutting edge procedure where a special device is attached to a gastroscope. The device is able to pass a series of permanent stitches in the stomach internally to reduce the capacity of the stomach by 50-70%. This promotes the feeling of being full quicker and encourages weight loss through dietary restriction. Dr Hannington is one of a handful of endoscopists in South Africa that is performing this new and exciting technique.